Monday, April 19, 2010

Low Income Abortion Rights

The topic of the legality of abortion has been an ongoing debate in politics since Roe v. Wade. A Citizen's Post article on "Dear Government,Can I Leave My House Today?" makes some good points on the opinion aspect of abortion, but there is more entailed to the government's role in funding abortions.

As a nurse, I have seen problems with the problem of government funded abortion issue with low income patients. The Hyde Amendment, passed in the seventies, excludes the use of government funds for abortions to low income women on Medicaid. The only current exclusions to the rule are cases of rape, incest, or endangerment to the pregnant woman's life or life of the fetus.

The government should not base decisions of laws regarding women's health on their own moral and religious beliefs. The majority religion of Congress is Catholicism, which makes its stance on abortion very publicized.

With Obama's current health reform, the repeal of the Hyde Amendment is a major focus on the Congressional agenda. If Congress agrees to Obama's plan, there will be tax funding of elective abortions for low income and Medicaid recipients.

Overall, it will save taxpayers money in the long run. The cost for prenatal care,childbirth, and parental classes exceeds the costs of an abortion. There will always be those opposed on moral or religious grounds.Low income women should have the same rights to an elective abortion and funding as women with private health insurance.

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