Sunday, April 18, 2010

Felons Should Vote

Felons and the Right to Vote

As Americans, one of the most fundamental of our rights is the right to vote. The Fifteenth Amendment “prohibits the Government of the United States from denying a citizen the right to vote because of race, color, or previous servitude.” Felons have served their time in jail, which is servitude and should be allowed their basic right to vote in my opinion. This is a gray area from state to state. Maine and Vermont actually allow felons to vote, even if they are still incarcerated. The Government should step in and pass a mandate that allows felons to cast their ballot. We pay for their education while behind bars, so why not let someone who is paying their debt to society vote. There has been a bill presented to the Senate over a year ago and should be decided across the board; not by state. has some good arguments on this related bill. Restoring one’s voting rights makes for a more involved citizen and will increase voter participation.

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