Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Increase Voter Participation! Reform policy!

According to the 2000 general elections consensus, only 52 percent of eligible voters actually went out and cast their ballot. To get more voters to the polls would increase participation and political knowledge. Making federal Election Day a national holiday would increase numbers of voters who could not take time off for work or school or were too busy to cast their votes on the other hand.

Simplifying the registration process, making this an easier and more accessible process would encourage people to participate and get out there and vote. All citizens should be assisted in making this an easier process. Voter studies have shown that people that vote are more informed about government and policies and play a more active role in society. As a nation we should reform the voting process . One important way would be restoring voting rights to ex- felons. Say you had a felony when you were 20 years old and now you are 40. Don't you think twenty years is long enough? Reforming policy and advancing technology to assist voters are important important efforts needed to increase voter participation.

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