Monday, May 3, 2010

Are We Really Protected?

As American citizens we are protected by the Fourth Amendment, that guarentees us from "unreasonable searches and seizures." So according to the Constitution, one must be served a warrant for reasonable cause. I believe that is incorrect!

Since the USA Patriot Act of 2001 was passsed, we as Americans have not been protected fully under the Constitution. We are not safe from "reasonable searches", wire tapping or completely free use of our home computers.

So basically, if I fit a ceratin profile and happen to be near a place where a crime may have been commited, a police officer can search my body or car? Where are my rights as per the Constiution of the USA? I find alot of fault in this predicament that our country is under. To protect one's Civil Rights or to abuse the powers of authority.

The expansion of police powers as part of the war on drugs has been one of the most significant challenges to the integrity of the Fourth Amendment.So if you feel you are or have been in challenge of this.. please speak up!