Monday, February 15, 2010

Trouble for the Senate???

The loss of Ted Kennedy's seat in the Senate to Republican Scott Brown has been the latest political "buzz".This historical event could kill many pieces of legislature that the Democrats have been trying to push through Congress. Not only could Senator-elect Brown give Republicans that extra vote necessary to block Obama's health care reform bill; but it could have catastrophic outcomes for economic reform bills and foreign policy. According to Senator-elect Brown, as quoted by the Washington Post, "We're past campaign mode.I think it's important for everyone to get some form of healthcare." It has been over a year now and still no descisive measures have come from health care reform. I assume time will tell if Brown will follow Ted Kennedy's philosophy of compromise not stale-mate. Who knows; mabey the new Congress will be bipartisan. Time will tell if Brown will vote the clear Rebublican "no" or be willing to compromise with the Democrats. The HuffPost Social News has an enlightning article that addresses some of these issues and more.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Help Health Care Reform!!!!

We all know that our health care system needs reform. It is sad that as a leading nation our health care system is failing us. Insurance rates have drastically gone up over the years and the question is why? and what if anything can the government do to help this crisis? My view is first and foremost to help make medical insurance more afordable to every US citizen. As a tax payer and also uninsured, I understand this dilema. Why is reform taking so long and who is holding it up in the government? I came acros this article and found it quite informative.